Sunday, January 15, 2017


confidence is one of the best elements we have to succeed in life, whether it's finding love, jobs or whatever it is we want to achieve in life. It's there deep inside you. I remember when I first started harbor college, I had what felt like ZERO confidence. Throughout that first semester I struggled; not because of the work, but because of I wasn't sure of myself. After I finished that first semester with a 3.5 GPA, my confidence was sky high and I was filled with enthusiasm. Even with love, your confidence seems to feel like it's in check when you first meet that special someone-- only because the insecure mechanism kicks in because we are unsure of what the future holds with that better half. When we know we have a future, that confidence skyrockets. But what about losing our confidence? Now this is a very familiar place. Unpleasant, I must say. You lose confidence faster than you gain it-- so much faster. Like you don't know what hit you. I won't get into any details, but there was a time when my confidence hit rock bottom at a very fast paste. I lost something very meaningful and all of the sudden I was all alone. I was down for a long time and I didn't know what to do. Until I realized I can't let myself go, I needed to pick myself up. The funniest things I notice is, I did the hardest thing i need to do to start gaining my confidence back --and that was "face it". Denial gets you nowhere. If you really want heal or gain your confidence back you need to take action, mopping isn't going to get you anywhere. Remind yourself you can't fix the past and find ways to be more positive so you can move up or move on. And if you need find a role model, someone that may have been there and can offer useful insight. Now I also want to remind you that you never lost your confidence, you just hid it... It's up to you how long you want to take to find your confidence.

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