Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bouncing Back

I came to realize that many people can misinterpret what a writer writes. Those of you who were able to read the entry I removed titled “Relapse” may have misinterpreted my writing when I said “I felt bad or weak about what I was about to write” and when I said “I felt I let people down whom were looking up to me”. Some may have interpreted it as neglectful, resentful, and regretful that I smoked pot and the people I did it with. Ninety percent of my readers that are fallowing me either have cerebral palsy, some other disability, and some are parents of children with disabilities. When I said what I quoted above I was ultimately targeting those readers and potential readers like them. These readers find my experiences and my style of writing empowering, insightful, and I have became a person they look up to. I made the mistake by assuming that all readers would understand that.

I do not regret the things I did that I changed, nor do I resort to blaming other for my “Relapse”; therefore, I have never written a single line implying otherwise. I did the thing I did on my own. When I started writing I had the mentality the up’s and down’s, trial’s and error’s, or the habits I started and broke I share; however, I wanted to show that you did not have to retreat. I wanted to show that you can bounce back and get right back on a more productive track.

I have experienced a lot and have witnessed other go through habits that were not so good to know that it is hard for some people to bounce back for the better. There is still hope. There is still room for improvement. We can overcome the improbable, the fear, and the habits that binds us to a still life. However, I wanted to show with my life experience we can get right back up from a fall. No matter how times we fall we can bounce right back.


  1. You are an inspiration

  2. OK I am going to try to post one more time..
    I enjoy reading all of your blogs. I find reading them is interesting and insightful. It is looking into you, your experiences, and your life.
    I know you love your family, your Son, your Daughter, your Sister and your Brother. I know those relationships are very importante to you.
    I feel blessed to have you in my life!!

  3. I first wanted to say that by no surprise this was a wonderful read. It always is so I am never disappointed to come here and read about your life. I think so many people take for granted the things in their lives and never understand how some others have work harder for the same things that they themselves have easily in their lives. I also wanted to take the time to say I really think you are very helpful to some people who are struggling with things you have already gone through and those still recovering. I always look forward to reading you. I know plenty of people who have gone down the wrong path and just never tried to get back onto the right one. It is always great to see others who have made their way back even have a relapse. I thank you for sharing and look forward to much more. So glad to have connected to your blog on here. I only read a few here and yours is among them. Thanks again-see not too long this time right? LOL. :)
